Can U believe me, I'm never seen a movie on The Cinema. And this is my first time watching movie as long as I live. On Friday 23 November 2007, I went with my friends in Pondok Indah Mall (PIM) at (
21cineplex). Just a quarter we arrived on PIM. PIM is near from my office. We want to see "Get Married", but the ticket was soll out of those day. So... we choose another movie that can make us laugh. And do you want to know what I see. You may shock if you know what I see. I've seen Quickie Express.

Quickie Express suplemen penghilang stress
And this is my comment about Quickie Express:
Serasa buang uang 20 ribu
Dimas Djay, U buat kami tertipu
Saya nyesel dah nonton film itu
Begitu juga temen aku
Mereka nyesel dah pilih film itu
Coz kita ga tahu, apa isi film itu
Yg kita tahu itu film komedi pasti lucu
Emang film nya lucu, seru, tapi saruuuuuuu
Kenapa sih film Indonesia tuh klo lucu pasti saru.... ga kreatif gitu
Tora akting loe emang ga da matinya
Jojo loe lucu Jo, tapi aku ga suka loe coz loe bertato
Aming loe emang lucu tapi garing
Piktor otak loe kotor
Ni film ancuuuuur banget
Baru kali ini saya nonton film yg ancur banget
Tapi kadang aku tutup mata n ga mau inget2
Tapi Dimas Djay sukses buat smua penonton tertipu and yg jelas buat smua penonton ngakak abis, cos lucu banget. Tapi saya malu banget. Malu telah nonton film itu. And yg jelas malu padaMu. Cukup sekali and gak ulangi lagi.
I like you're joking, But Your joking isn't healthy for my eyes
I want to hear, I want to see the healthy joke
Finally, My friends and me was ate together on "Gokkano Teppani". Tapi menu Bentonya ga enak, bikin enek. Mo tak posting, ga jadi. Cuman suasana Jeppun nya kental skali. And yg jelas halal.